Satan the Accuser

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

#OpBridgewater - Origin of the Five Points

The concept referred to as the Five Points pertain to sections of information that were produced during, and as the result of, the process of discovery.   At the first level of understanding, reference material for four of them can be found in the four required readings.  The required readings contain the basic documentation necessary to confidently present the basic facts of the case.

1. Of all the documents, the Summary Judgement is the last word for this case.

2. The First letter to President Emeritus Dana Mohler-Faria is the formal complaint that starts the case in principle.

3. The Waiver of Liability is Mr. Mohler-Faria's answer to my first letter, and the document that led to the lawsuit against Dr. Grace Seibert-Larke.

4. The last letter to President Emeritus Dana Mohler-Faria before the lawsuit was filed in the state of Massachusetts.

Monday, October 12, 2015

#OpBridgewater - Origin of The Five Points

Part One

According to the Social Security Administration, the onset of my disability came the day I was falsely imprisoned and my civil rights were violated by campus authorities at Bridgewater State College.  Now that I've had time to contemplate the events of that day, I now refer to it as, a case of medical kidnapping.  However, during the time that members of Campus Police handcuffed me and transported me to Brockton Hospital, I was still treated with a modicum of dignity.

Yet when I arrived at Brockton Hospital and the handcuffs were removed, that's is when the real maltreatment began.  When I asked questions about why I was transported to that hospital in handcuffs, or as to why I was forced to stay in a psych ward, I received no satisfactory answers.  The situation got worse when I was given medications.  I thought I they were going to give me painkillers for my angina.  Instead, I was given lithium carbonate which caused hallucinations.

As stated in the Summary Judgement, I'd suffered an attack of angina after the campus police handcuffed me.  As a stroke survivor with a physician and insurance, I was sure that the doctors at Brockton Hospital would at least get the information necessary to do their jobs properly, but my concerns were ignored.  To my knowledge they did nothing corroborate any of the false information they'd received from Dr. Seibert-Larke of the Bridgewater State College Counseling Center.

I was rendered disabled because of the incident according to the Social Security Administration.  This was devastating because, though I'd suffered a debilitating stroke in 2000, I was still able to avoid disability and stay in school.  After six days in the psych ward at Brockton Hospital, I could no longer function intellectually as I had before I was forced to undergo their treatments.  Sadly enough, I still suffer from an intellectual disability I didn't have before the events of April 15, 2004.

The Orb of Oya by Al Wiggins Jr

Friday, October 9, 2015

#OpBridgewater - In The Beginning

Part Three

A Campus Policy (Revisited) During the time I was still a student at Bridgewater State College, the Dean of Student Affairs said campus policy, "guides the reinstatement process". The first paragraph stated: A student may be required to seek professional help if physical and psychological health problems place that student's life in potential danger; impair that his/her ability to maintain an academic program; or when his/her behavior is a serious disruption to others. That kind of thing works when the doctors actually do their jobs and examine their patients.
However, on April 15, 2004, no doctor examined me, I was never brought before a judge--both of which are required by Massachusetts state law--and I was still removed from campus in handcuffs.   Furthermore, at every opportunity Dr. Grace Siebert-Larke avoided contact with me, and during the entire sordid episode, the doctor continually made assertions about my character and my life that were not true. Worse yet, as a hospitalized student I got no advocacy from the Counseling Center staff, who let me languish in the psych ward at Brockton Hospital past the time allowed by the state of Massachusetts (I got six days, but the state limit at the time was four days).

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#OpBridgewater - In The Beginning

Part Two

I was never informed at anytime, by either Dean of Student Affairs, Tony Esposito, or the Counseling Center staff, what specific “physical or psychological health problems” I had which could “potentially place that student’s life in danger; impair her/his ability to maintain an academic program; or when his/her behavior is a serious disruption to others."  But when doctors and social workers lie to protect each other, you had better believe that their opinions of you will not be very high.

While I was recovering from ordeal in the psych ward at Brockton Hospital, I was declared academically unfit. Dr. Grace Siebert-Larke and Wayne Assing, LICSW, had a talk with Dean of Student Affairs, Tony Esposito.  Somehow the doctor and the social worker actually convinced Dean Esposito to declare me academically unfit.  I had good marks in my classes at the time I was involuntarily committed and I was never examined by a doctor, so what was the basis for Dean Esposito's decision?  Not one member of the Bridgewater State College Counseling Center talked to anyone in the History department at the time their decision was reached, and none of them knew I was recovering from a stroke I'd suffered in 2000.