The concept referred to as the Five Points pertain to sections of information that were produced during, and as the result of, the process of discovery. At the first level of understanding, reference material for four of them can be found in the four required readings. The required readings contain the basic documentation necessary to confidently present the basic facts of the case.
1. Of all the documents, the Summary Judgement is the last word for this case.
2. The First letter to President Emeritus Dana Mohler-Faria is the formal complaint that starts the case in principle.
3. The Waiver of Liability is Mr. Mohler-Faria's answer to my first letter, and the document that led to the lawsuit against Dr. Grace Seibert-Larke.
4. The last letter to President Emeritus Dana Mohler-Faria before the lawsuit was filed in the state of Massachusetts.
1. Of all the documents, the Summary Judgement is the last word for this case.
2. The First letter to President Emeritus Dana Mohler-Faria is the formal complaint that starts the case in principle.
3. The Waiver of Liability is Mr. Mohler-Faria's answer to my first letter, and the document that led to the lawsuit against Dr. Grace Seibert-Larke.
4. The last letter to President Emeritus Dana Mohler-Faria before the lawsuit was filed in the state of Massachusetts.