The Wisdom Gate

Monday, January 24, 2022

Operation Oya

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. - Proverbs 15:3

The Curse of Asmodeus turns otherwise decent men and women into morally-bankrupt and sexually-incontinent predators who have no sense of boundaries, no dignity and no sense of shame. Such people are called, 'pigs'.

In the online world there are two types of pigs. There are chauvinist pigs and there are misogynist pigs. Both species of pig can be found within groups of humanoid males regardless of any man's stated ethnicity, culture or race.

Each species of pig embodies the attributes inherent within its group. However, those attributes include the double-standards and abhorrent misbehavior exhibited by all pigs. However, some pigs are more disgusting than others.

Some of the most despicable, of either misogynist pigs or chauvinist pigs, are the pigs who victimize the naive and the innocent with impunity and without remorse.