The Wisdom Gate

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Operation Bridgewater Engaged (#OpBridgewater)

"If good does not accumulate, it is not enough to make a name for a man. If evil does not accumulate, it is not enough to destroy a man. Therefore, the inferior man thinks to himself, "Goodness in small things has no value," and so neglects it. He thinks, "Small sins do no harm," and so he does not give them up. Thus his sins accumulate until they can no longer be covered up, and his guilt becomes so great, that it can no longer be wiped out." - Confucius
The Founder's Manifesto
"In keeping with the concept of service-based learning, I fully intend to use the information at my disposal to help other college students defend themselves in ways I did not know existed before my struggle. Using all available electronic media, I will tell students about my vain attempts to seek justice from campus authorities at Bridgewater State. Using my medical records and other documents as teaching tools, I shall teach them how to stand up to unprincipled doctors, unethical social workers, dishonest campus bureaucrats, and--finally--unscrupulous, college presidents such as you, Mr. Mohler-Faria." - From Alfred Wiggins Jr. v. Bridgewater State College.